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Rainbow Six Siege

final logo.png

Unfortunately due to Twitch updating we had not activated the setting to save the VOD. Therefore, when we ended the stream t had disappeared for good.


New graphics were made for the Rainbow Six Siege event. Although as the VOD was not saved we decided to upgrade to the best graphics possible with Tom moving to Graphic Designer.


The roles for this event were; Lucas and Josh as casters, Tom on production, graphic design and video editing Jakob as player co-ordinator and observer, Lucas on socials and Ruben on Socials. These roles were fitted to everyone's choices on what they wanted to do as well as what they were good at, taking on board feedback from the previous event.


During this week we attempted to tri-cast with Josh, Lucas and Ruben as Josh did not have enough game knowledge to support Lucas casting. This allowed for Rubens knowledge to support both the other casters as well as try out a new role. It also helped reduce the amount of dead air between casters. The casters would also have to stand up as they would all have to fit into the webcam.


For the second week we introduced a new set of improved graphics to use for the Rainbow Six Siege event. This included a new custom starting soon screen as well as intermission screens, caster screens, technical difficulties, map ban screen and thank you for watching screens.

Rule Book
Starting Screen DONE.jpg
NEW ela we'll be right back! SCREEN.jpg

As our Rainbow Six Siege event was quite a bit bigger in terms of attendance of players and teams, we decided to make a code of conduct. This included the rules that were to be followed at all times such as respect, no racism etc. All skins and text chat was allowed within reason.


For equipment we had used our own personal peripherals as well as Jakob's boom microphone that we used to pic up all three casters.

Teaser Trailer

During this week Tom had edited together a teaser trailer featuring a very difficultly made custom transition showing the logo of the event. This would go on to feature at the start of our streams


During this second week we had been delayed by 5 minutes as some players were not ready to play. During the stream the casters were watching off another PC with OBS to cast the game but it had kept locking as Tom and Jakob had to focus on production and observing. Other minor mistakes occurred such as the HUD being the wrong size, the maps the wrong way round, music and timer starting late.

map bans day 2.jpg

At the end of the 3rd week we had an interview on camera with a player that was competing in our event. This interview turned out to be successful as we gained good feedback by the viewers.

Map Bans

An update was made to the map bans screen where the graphic actually fit into OBS where as the previous one did not. This was replaced and the new one was made using photoshop.


During this week Tom had created and edited together a commercial from scratch using divinci resolve. Taking cinematic shots himself as well as clipping the game play.

map bans k9 darkened out.jpg

Communication between the casters and production was on the rise but still needed improvement. The timer needed to be in the correct place with the correct ending text. Team names were also confusing as each map won the team would switch sides on screen which then required the overlay to be changed on photoshop but as there was not enough time we decided to remove the team names from the overlay completely.


In this week we changed the caster time overlay by increasing the size of the web cam on screen as before hand it was very small, which did not show the casters much at all.

technical dificulties DONE.jpg

The maps were added onto the overlay in the order that thy would be played to show viewers what map has been played and what maps are going to be played. As well as this the shape design of the overlay was changed slightly to make it look more visually appealing.

overlay idea 2.0 222222 K9 WEEK.jpg
overlay idea 2.0 222222 K9 WEEK.jpg
overlay idea 2.0 222222 K9 WEEK.jpg
overlay idea 2.0 222222 K9 WEEK.jpg
Microphone Control

Tom, the producer, had forgotten on a few occasions to not only turn the casters up but unmute them at points which caused delays in caster introductions.

Background Noise

During this stream there was background noise and there were other people using the IT space at the time which could be heard on stream.

caster time.jpg
Game Audio

Game audio was and has been delayed for a number or weeks now even on the previous Rocket League event. Unfortunately this audio bug is unfixable and out of our control due to twitch being the reason the audio is quite delayed.

caster time FOR DISCORD.jpg

Unfortunately one of the player's PC's had crashed mid-game so a re-host was required. We also had to wait for that player to restart their PC which took just over 5 minutes.

Map Bans

A faded white banner was added over the maps that were picked and a black banner over the ones that were banned. This was to prevent the team logo's from meshing into the map strip back ground.

Caster Audio

Caster audio was echoed on stream but not on OBS as Tom on production couldn't hear the echoed audio, for him it was normal audio.

Game Audio

Game audio was fixed as it was not doubled for this week. This was because when the casters were in the siz the observer would NDI source to two other pc's, the casters pc and the producers pc. When removing the caster pc the game audio travels better, decreasing the delay and increasing the quality.

map bans DARKENED NEW .jpg
event screaan shot.PNG

Especially for this week we had recorded the match before live streaming. This was because we had no other way of streaming the game with a live cast due to previous issues. Jakob had hosted the match and recorded the entire observation and sent the VOD file to Tom which had then put it on OBS as a media file which the casters would watch on a discord shared screen by Tom.


Unfortunately when transitioning to the media file the video restarts so Tom had to quickly resume where left off before intermission. As well as this because of discord delay casters were 1-10 seconds behind.


Before and after this match were 2 other matches to be played but unfortunately there were teams that did not attend for any particular reason. Due to this they had forfeited their match and exited from the tournament. 


Due to casters casting from home we had delayed communication, for example when starting the stream and transitioning to the casters, a message was put into the group chat but they did not react. Therefore there is a 5 second moment of silence after each transition to casters.

Thank you for watching DONE.jpg
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